Candidate Full Name:
Message Sender's Name:
Opponent's Name:
Select Your Letter Template: Autoresponder Confirmation/Introduction Letter Autoresponder Message: About the Candidate Autoresponder Message: Position Statement Autoresponder Message: Online Presence Autoresponder Message: Position Statement Autoresponder Message: Wrap-up and Reminder [Candidate] secures primary Here's our advantage Upcoming campaign events for Candidate Get involved in changing Location Candidate Endorsement Event reminder The real [Opponent's Name] Do you like [name of bad policy]? Check out our latest [brochure/mailing] I need your help [Number] things you didn’t know about [Candidate/Opponent/Location] What would make [Opponent] [do/say] this? The [Number-Day] Blitz in action [New] poll shows [Candidate] closing! Let's keep the momentum Emergency Mobilization Goal within reach! Today is Election Day Thank you (won election) Thank you (lost election)