Registering Your Political Domain Name
Securing (or registering) a domain name (i.e., for your political campaign is one of the first steps you should take, even if you are just considering running for office. Registering a domain name is simple and inexpensive. You can do it long...

Best Practices for Writing Your Political Candidate Bio
Every campaign website should include a candidate biography page. It’s a section where you can tell voters about yourself and why you are running for office. Start with an introduction Who are you? Begin with some background information about yourself. Try to include...

Election Slogan Examples
A candidate's election slogan says a lot about them, so you should choose yours carefully. It should be short and easy to remember and should address things that voters care about. Below are a hundred campaign slogans for you to use. The first step in coming up with a...

Our Take on AI and Political Campaigns
When generative AI exploded on the scene in late 2022, we saw it as an opportunity to supercharge our existing political campaign tools. We already had campaign letter, email, and press release generators. But they were kind of old-school and created copy based on...

Creating Your Campaign Timeline
Running for local office can be an exhilarating and challenging experience with high stakes and tough competition. To make the most of your limited time, money, and resources, it's crucial to plan out a timeline for your political campaign. This ensures you stay on...

Choosing the Right Tense for Your Website Copy
Some clients contact us about their campaign websites not ranking as well as expected for candidate name searches. Several factors can contribute to this, including the age of the site, existing content that already ranks for the targeted search phrase, and whether...